Scott Morgan

Vegas Championships Are Over – Summer League begins

What a week and a half in Las Vegas!

The Manitoba players did there best to represent Aactive and the province well. We had some amazing performances throughout the tournament. One of the biggest highlights was the Men’s Masters team – All Nations Express winning the Men’s Masters Division. There were many others that placed well. Aactive had a total of 95 players travel to Las Vegas to play and total prize money earned was over $16,000.00. You can view all of the results on the Compusport app.

As many of you know, I have been honored to be the VNEA President for the last two years. My term comes to an end on June 30th. It has been a 13-year commitment that I made to help make the VNEA a better place for all of the players. I hope I have succeeded.

Now my attentions turn to the Summer League in Winnipeg. The Winnipeg Summer League will start week of June 10th. Registration Deadline is Monday, June 10th. We are offering two nights of play and both are handicapped in the Regular Season & Playoffs. The poster can be found on the Aactive website or on our Facebook page. Please contact me to enter your team.

Reminder to all the teams in Winnipeg

If you haven’t picked up your teams playoff winnings, you can do so at our office at 41 Burnett Ave. We are open Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. It works best if you call before you decide to come by. At this time of the year, we don’t spend as much time at the office as we do during the winter months.

I look forward to seeing all of you either in the Summer League or in September when the 2024/25 Pool League season will start. It will be the 30th year of the Aactive Pool League. We have some special things planned for next year.

Look for the Newsletter on the coming Fall Season in late July/early August. Any team that is ready to register their team for the upcoming 2024/25 Fall League can now do so. You can register by filling out the Entry Form on the Aactive website or sending me an email –

Lastly, I would like to thank my bosses, Bob & Ted and my co-workers (Lisa, Paul & Cory) for helping me out over the last 20 years. Your help is invaluable and very much appreciated.

Have a great summer!


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