Feb 2025 Pool Blog
People are starting to ask when the dates for the upcoming Winnipeg Playoffs will come out. Unfortunately, no one reads any of my blogs to get the information. I published the dates back in November. The picture below will help you prepare for them.

The Winnipeg Playoffs will start on Wednesday, April 16 and end on Sunday, April 27. We won’t be scheduling any team matches on Good Friday or Easter Sunday. All singes tournaments will be played on Good Friday. The divisions will be based on your CSR. The poster will come out at the beginning of March.
Dates for all of the Rural Leagues
Southeast League – Saturday, February 22nd at The La Broquerie Hotel
Southwest League – Saturday, March 15th at the SLFN Hall
Beausejour League – March 21st & 22nd at BJ’s Bar
Selkirk League – March 28th to 30th – TBD
Brandon Leagues – April 2nd to 6th at the ANAF #10
Portage Leagues – April 27th at the Assiniboia Downs
Start planning to get any make up matches played. There are only 10 weeks left in the season. All matches must be played by Friday, April 11th and entered on Compusport.
I will be out of the office starting on Thursday, February 6th and returning on Wednesday, February 19th. I will have access to texts and email during this time. There will be no one in the office during this time.
Good luck to all the players and teams traveling to Edmonton for the 25th Annual WCVNEA Championships! I will see you in Edmonton.