Scott Morgan

Welcome to the 2023/24 Exciting Pool Season

Welcome to the launch of our new and improved Aactive Coin website. One of the features of the new website, will be me writing a monthly blog post. I will be using the blog post to keep you informed on what I think will be important information on the pool league. Please take a few moments each month to read it over.

September and October have been a very busy time at the Aactive office. With both the pool league and dart leagues starting their seasons. Registrations for the pool league started in the early summer, but the majority of the work got done over a very short period in early September.

All of the pool leagues in our league system are up and running as of the week of October 23rd. In total we have nine leagues with 315 teams playing thru out Manitoba. Almost all of the leagues have increased in size or maintained their numbers from the previous year. These numbers bode well for Aactive to maintain their status as the second largest VNEA Pool League in the world.

Sanction Fees

Sanction fees are a membership fee that Aactive charges to play in the pool league. The cost of sanction fees is, $30 for Cash Plus Leagues and lower and $50 for Vegas Leagues and higher. Sanction fees for all rural leagues are $30. All leagues are sanctions with the VNEA. In Winnipeg, the Vegas, Super Vegas and Premier Leagues are BCA sanctioned as well. Players can’t view their individual stats until their sanction fees are paid.  The deadline to pay your sanction fees is December 1st, 2023. At that time, the cost will increase by $10 on sanction fees if not paid by December 1st and those players will be unable to play in the WCVNEA Championships.

Events Page

We have added an Events Page to our new website. All of the leagues have their playoff dates listed and the location that they will be taking place at. This information won’t be changed. All of this information can be found in your captain’s folder that you received at the start of the league in the Important Notes document.


If you haven’t already downloaded the Compusport App, its time you did. All the information that you need can be found on the app. Starting at this year’s playoffs for the Winnipeg and Brandon Leagues all matches will be required to use the app to score your matches.  

That’s all for this month.

– Scott Morgan, Pool League Coordinator

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