End of Year Pool Blog
On the last Pool Blog of the year, I hate to sound like a broken record, but here I go, again. Players should have paid their sanction fees by now. As of November 22nd, the cost of the Sanction Fee rose by $10.00 across the board. All sanction fees have increased to $40.00 in all leagues except the Winnipeg Vegas, Super Vegas and Premier. The sanction fee for those three divisions is now $60.00. If Aactive doesn’t receive your payment for the sanction fees by Monday, December 30th, the cost will rise up another $10. We don’t want the extra money, but we get charged a late fee for paying late. Obviously, we pass that on to you.
We are starting to receive entries from players and teams for 2025 WCVNEA Championships. No entry will be accepted without payment. This is the criteria to be eligible to enter into the 2025 WCVNEA Championships:
- 8 weeks of play by Friday, January 17th .
- Sanction Fee MUST be paid.
- League Fees MUST be current.
- All payments get sent to lisacooper99@hotmail.com. Security question – Phone Number – Password 2337665
Last month I published the dates for the 2025 Winnipeg Leagues Playoffs for each individual league. These dates won’t change. If you want to view the dates you will need to checkout my last blog from November.
There will be three new leagues starting in January of 2025. We will be offering the Winter Monday Handicapped League, Winter Thursday Handicapped League and the Winter Scotch Doubles League. The posters are available to be viewed on the Aactive website.
Mowat League Playoffs will take place on January 4th & 5th at Crazy 8 Billiards. The schedule will come out on the CompuSport app some time between Christmas and New Years. Reminder to all teams playing in those league. All players need to have played 6 times and their sanction fees paid to be qualified to play in the tournament. No Exceptions!
Brandon Leagues id Season Tournament takes place on January 10th to 12th at The ANAF In Brandon. The schedule will come out on CompuSport between Christmas & New Years. All players need 7 weeks of play, and their Sanction Fee paid to qualify to play.
Lastly, all of us at Aactive Coin would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! The Aactive Coin office will be closed from December 24th until January 2nd.